'UNIcréa' le Salon de la Création 2010
29 - 30 October 2010, at Château de Coppet, Geneva, Switzerland.
KO NA's knitted accessory collection will be shown at this event.
100 European Creators of Art will be colouring the «Château de Coppet»
Designers, jewellers, milliners, painters, sculptors, potters, designers, cabinet makers and glassworkers present their latest collections.
Discover the different universes of the show: Textile, Glass, Metal, Clay, Paint, Wood and Stone.
Ladies, awaken the top model in you and participate in the special fashion "defilés" at UNIcréa !
Looking for something special ? Something artistic, coloured, original or surprising ? You will find your very special object.
Come and redifine your UNIverse in a place where artists and visitors interact together.